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- Pets
When bringing no more than 5 units of by pets luggage or/and passenger hand luggage, which are not intended for economic activities, the animal (pet) must meet the following requirements
Must be healthy;
The preventive vaccination, diagnostic research, and relevant processing must be undergone;
Must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate or a pet passport.
International passport for dogs and cats must include the following basic information:
Data about animals (information for their identification);
Data about pet owners;
Residence address;
Data about veterinary measures provided on the pet (by referring to the dates):
About the rabies vaccination;
Treatment against the eco and endoparasites.
Note: Pets - dogs, cats, polecats, invertebrates (except bee and Crustaceans), tropic decorative fish, amphibia, reptiles, all birds (except quail, pheasant, cabbage, ostrich, chicken, turkey, seagull, duck, goose, pigeon), rodents and domestic rabbits accompanied by the owner or the physical person responsible for them and are not intended for sale or transfer to another owner.
Goods imported by postal mail, luggage, and/or hand luggage shall be destructed when no veterinary certificate is not submitted on these goods, if necessary, the import permit and it is not possible to return the goods.
The goods shall be destructed no later than 20 calendar days after the importation of the goods.
More Information about bringing pets into the country over here: www.rs.ge
Shelters & Communities
Georgian Society for the Protection and Safety of Animals Tbilisi
Nutsubidze Plateau, II M/D, Q. 1, B. 3a
(+995 593) 322 159
Animal Shelter Under the Animals Monitoring Agency Tbilisi
17a Tvalchrelidze St.
(+995 32) 2 421 171, (+995 577) 958 555
Tamaz Elizbarashvili's Dog Shelter Tbilisi
9 Gr. Lortkipanidze St.
(+995 595) 633 636, (+995 591) 948 895