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EasyGov Service Desk.
Phone +41 58 467 11 22
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 08:00 to 22:00 hrs.
Contact by e-mail: admin@easygov.swiss
Ukraine Internet pages of the Swiss cantons
Aargau AG
Amt für Migration und Integration
Departement Volkswirtschaft und Inneres
Amt für Migration und Integration
Sektion Erwerbstätige
Bahnhofstrasse 88
5001 Aarau
Telefon: +41 62 835 18 60
Appenzell Ausserrhoden AR
Migration Department
Landsgemeindeplatz 2
9043 Trogen
T: 071 343 63 33
F: 071 353 66 65
Opening hours
08.00 - 11.30
14.00 - 17.00
Appenzell Innerrhoden AI
Basel-Landschaft BL
Basel-Stadt BS
Canton Basel-City Department of Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs
Rheinsprung 16/18
CH-4001 Basel
Phone: +41 (0)61 267 85 44
Bern BE
Office of Economic Affairs
Labour Market Authority
Laupenstrasse 22
3008 Bern
Tel. +41 31 633 55 85
Freiburg FR
Directorate of Health and Social Affairs GSD
Rte des Cliniques 17
1700 Fribourg
Phone: +41 26 305 29 04
Counter hours
Monday-Friday 08:00-11:30, 14:00-16:30
Saturday-Sunday closed
Before holidays
Genf GE
Cantonal Office of Population and Migration
Asylum Sector
P.O. Box 2652
1211 Geneva 2
Glarus GL
Department of Economic Affairs and the Interior
Labour Inspectorate of the Canton of Glarus
Zwinglistrasse 6
8750 Glarus
Mail: arbeitsinspektorat@gl.ch
Tel: 055 646 66 90
Graubünden GR
Jura JU
In order to work, including paid or unpaid internships, I must have a prior authorisation to work issued by the Service de l'économie et de l'emploi (secr.see@jura.ch).
Luzern LU
Neuenburg NE
Nidwalden NW
Obwalden OW
Cantonal Social Welfare Office - Social Services Asylum
Village square 4
6060 Sarnen
St. Gallen SG
Phone: +41584804950
Schöntalstrasse 2
Schaffhausen SH
Central contact point for questions
E-mail: ukraine@sh.ch
Phone: 052 632 66 33 (8-11.30 a.m. and 2-5 p.m.)
Schwyz SZ
Solothurn SO
Office for Society and Social Affairs
Contact point Ukraine
Riedholzplatz 3
4509 Solothurn
Telephone 032 627 23 11
Tessin TI
Thurgau TG
Uri UR
Waadt VD
Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm:
Wallis VS
0041 41 27 606 48 74 or 0041 79 765 70 95
(Mondays to Fridays, during office hours).
Office of Economic and Labour Affairs - Work Permits Division
Walchestrasse 19
P.O. Box
8090 Zurich
+41 43 259 49 49
Monday to Friday
9 to 11 h and
2 to 4 p.m.